Embrace the calm and clarity that follows your yoga practice with “After Yoga Affirmations.”
The sister episode to this one is Episode 45 Meditation – 30 Seconds After Your Workout
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Gabrielle Union
Gabrielle Union
Ferra Rossa
Ferra Rossa
Chriselle Lim
Chriselle Lim
Maria Hatzistefanis
Maria Hatzistefanis
You Are Enough
Life can get difficult. Jobs are lost, hearts are broken, plans get changed, things go wrong. We’ve all been there.
But when life gives you lemons, how do you cope? How do you navigate through grief with resilience? How do you control your emotions instead of letting them control you?
Maybe you have unhealthy coping strategies. Maybe you bury your emotions, talk down to yourself, or power through the day without allowing yourself even a moment of rest and reflection.
Sound familiar? Not anymore.
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Jen Stancill
Jen Stancill
Reuel Rasheeda
Reuel Rasheeda
Anati Bacela
Anati Bacela
MaryRose Palumbo
MaryRose Palumbo
Haley Herdman
Haley Herdman
Naomi Powell
Naomi Powell
Katie Muhtaris
Katie Muhtaris
LaTisha Guster
LaTisha Guster
Sophia Sinclair
Sophia Sinclair
Leanne McNulty
Leanne McNulty
Chriselle Lim
Chriselle Lim
Nur Azman
Nur Azman
Taylor Nicks
Taylor Nicks
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Breanna Renee
Breanna Renee
Emily Roadside
Emily Roadside
Arielle François
Arielle François
SiBrena Milner
SiBrena Milner
Heather Jackson
Heather Jackson
Mel Vooris
Mel Vooris
Dylan Martin
Dylan Martin
Tiah Eckhart
Tiah Eckhart
Marta Retnoningsih
Marta Retnoningsih
Tired Girls Inc
Tired Girls Inc
Christina Torres
Christina Torres
Phoebe Taylor
Phoebe Taylor
Elvan Kama Kurtz
Elvan Kama Kurtz
Rich Jones
Rich Jones
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I am Living as Me
Waking Up Playlist
Calming Trauma Triggers
I Love Myself - Extended Version
Relaxation Playlist
Madi Maitland
Madi Maitland
Katie Muhtaris
Katie Muhtaris
Gabrielle Union
Gabrielle Union
Sierra de Mulder
Sierra de Mulder
Sara Monika
Sara Monika
Ferra Rossa
Ferra Rossa
Reuel Rasheeda
Reuel Rasheeda
Candace Cosentino
Candace Cosentino
Marta Retnoningsih
Marta Retnoningsih
MaryRose Palumbo
MaryRose Palumbo
Brittany Mchugh
Brittany Mchugh
Mel Vooris
Mel Vooris
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Madi Maitland
Madi Maitland
Alexis Maclure
Alexis Maclure
Shelly Ackah
Shelly Ackah
Trang Ada Trinh
Trang Ada Trinh
Nihan Gorkem
Nihan Gorkem
Gabrielle Union
Gabrielle Union
Sierra de Mulder
Sierra de Mulder
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Ferra Rossa
Ferra Rossa
Chriselle Lim
Chriselle Lim
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Justino Flores
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Candace Cosentino
Candace Cosentino
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Gretchen Vandegrift