Oh hey there 👋 if we haven’t met before – welcome!!
If you’ve been around for a while, welcome to this side of things ❤️
Let’s dive into some Your Morning Minute FAQs, shall we? 😊
How do I listen to YMM?
1. You can listen as an Alexa flash briefing
2. You can listen as a podcast. For example
What is Your Morning Minute?
It's a daily audio session where you can take some deep breaths and answer some empowering questions to start your day, all in one minute!
Do I have to pay to listen?
No, it's free to listen! It's brought to you by Josie Ong Media, which covers the costs to produce and maintain Your Morning Minute.
Who is the person behind the voice?
It's Josie Ong, who is also host and producer of the Affirmation Pod podcast.
What is the Affirmation Pod podcast about?
It has affirmations and positive self-talk for confidence, self-love, positivity and so much more! There's over 500 episodes and counting so feel free to dig in and enjoy Affirmation Pod ❤️
I still have a question. Where can I ask it?
Ask away! AffirmationPod.com/Contact
Thanks for listening to Your Morning Minute!
Make Your Morning Minute a part of your morning!